Wednesday, October 13, 2010

FAQs About Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy

Anyone who is considering using hypnotherapy as a means to stop smoking may have a few questions. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about stop smoking hypnotherapy.

Is Hypnosis Dangerous?
People have been using hypnosis for thousands of years and it is considered a safe technique. There have been many movies and fiction books in the past that have described hypnosis as something sinister, but this is just entertainment. The hypnotist will not be able to make you do anything you are not comfortable with; you will always be in complete control. There are no negative side effects associated with the treatment; if anything you will probably leave the session feeling on a high.

How Does Hypnosis Work?
There are different theories about how hypnosis might work but nobody is fully sure. All we do know for certain is that it definitely does work. Hypnosis involves putting your mind and body into a relaxed state where we are more receptive to suggestions and ideas. During our everyday life our mind is full of chatter and it can be hard to take on information; it is like we are hearing it but not at a very deep level. During hypnosis we are fully concentrated and alert and so better able to absorb this information – it also is likely able to enter our subconscious.

Can Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy Work for Everyone?
People are unique and so will react to hypnosis in different ways. For this reason it is usual for the hypnotist to interview people and conduct some tests to find which hypnotic approach will be most effective for each client. Once the most effective method is selected then there is far more chance that it will work.

How effective is Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy?
Stop smoking hypnotherapy has been researched extensively over the years and it is considered to be one of the effective treatments there is. It is highly respected within the medical establishment and doctors will routinely send their patients for this type of treatment. Many people around the world have already been helped by this technique.

What Happens During a Hypnotherapy Session?
A hypnotherapy session usually lasts a couple of hours. Different hypnotists may do things slightly differently. There is always an interview prior to the first session so that the hypnotist can get an idea about what approach will be the most effective to use in your case. There should be no lasting effects after the session; other than the fact you feel a bit more relaxed than usual. A lot of people will be able to give up smoking after just one visit to the hypnotherapist.

Am I Ready for Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy?
If you have a strong desire to quit smoking then there is a great chance that stop smoking hypnotherapy will help you. It will build upon your current motivation and increase it to a much higher level. Once your motivation to quit is high enough then there is very little that can stop you.


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